all postcodes in MK14 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK14 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK14 6AE 37 0 52.066978 -0.773295
MK14 6AF 31 0 52.066274 -0.773839
MK14 6AG 32 0 52.066255 -0.772002
MK14 6AH 36 0 52.065514 -0.773437
MK14 6AJ 34 0 52.065486 -0.770681
MK14 6AL 36 0 52.064831 -0.773427
MK14 6AN 36 0 52.064791 -0.771313
MK14 6AP 34 0 52.064084 -0.771667
MK14 6AQ 34 0 52.066226 -0.770135
MK14 6AR 34 0 52.063358 -0.773598
MK14 6AS 30 0 52.063347 -0.771673
MK14 6AT 18 0 52.067962 -0.769358
MK14 6AU 70 0 52.067214 -0.76827
MK14 6AW 21 0 52.064047 -0.773302
MK14 6AX 41 1 52.066614 -0.764079
MK14 6AY 22 0 52.067158 -0.763851
MK14 6AZ 36 0 52.066148 -0.765207
MK14 6BA 41 0 52.066501 -0.764584
MK14 6BB 23 1 52.064591 -0.76595
MK14 6BD 33 0 52.065186 -0.766094